If you think the default VFR map is too simple, this is your AddOn.
A map to view OpenStreetMap from within the simulator. Ideal and essential to not lose the immersion when flying in RV or to fly on a monitor with everything integrated into the cockpit.
Now with new options:
- Background color fixed. Now minimized mode works ok.
- New library, faster!!!
- New interface, easier!!!
- New layers and more flexible selection.
- Map tiles by Stamen Design, (CC BY 3.0)
- We acknowledge the use of imagery provided by services from NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS), part of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).
- Measure distances only with your pointer.
- Rotate the map.
- Zoom control - Oculus touch compatible
- OSM and basemap from OpenStreetMap contributors
- Layer of airspaces, with all airports and airfields in the world, all controlled spaces, all VORs and all NDBs. Thanks to openAIP Data (CC-BY-NC-SA)
- Perfect aerial and airspace layer combination. 100% recommended.
- Meteorological radar layer, with exact rain indicator at all times. Thanks to RainViewer.com
- You can watch the last hours in motion to see the direction of the clouds.
- Airplane movement and panel data update rate more adjusted for smoother map.
- Internal performance improvements for greater compatibility with Flight Simulator.
- Font size larger to better legibility into VR
- Since v1.7, the map includes all NDB, VOR and notification points of Spain for a comfortable VFR flight too. The NDB & VOR frequencies and the name of the notification points will be displayed when you mouse over them.
- New startup/init process, more optimized.
- New international OpenStreetMap server, faster and better ping.
- New terrain layer and terrain base map.
You just have to unzip the .zip in the Community folder of Flight Simulator, like all Add-ons.
When you start the flight you will see a new option in the options panel. Click on it and the map will open.
How to get access to the downloads?